This past Sunday, Champion Forest joined in with churches all over the nation to honor Sanctity of Life Sunday. Sanctity of Life Sunday celebrates the distinct uniqueness of the image of God and advocates for the protection of the unborn. This year, our celebration as a church family was extra special because it was the first time in 49 years that we could worship as a church in a post-Roe society. 

While the unborn are the traditional focus of Sanctity of Life Sunday, Champion Forest celebrated the image of God in human beings inside and outside the womb and in all stages of life. This was seen as the service was kicked off by three members of our deaf congregation being baptized. Our deaf congregation, led by Pastor Cesar Torres, continues to grow and flourish. Their group has grown so much so that their Sunday service space has been upgraded to the CMC building to fit their growing congregation.

This Sunday also marked the grand opening of the new special needs suite. A longstanding vision for a fully equipped space to accommodate the needs of all church members has finally been seen to fruition. Champion Forest’s commitment to celebrating life means making sure that there is a space for everyone to belong every Sunday morning. Pastor Jarrett also introduced Sheronda Ausbie, Champion Forest’s newest Director of Special Needs, during Sunday morning services at the Champions Campus. We are overjoyed to welcome her into the Champion Forest family and look forward to the many ways she will lead this essential ministry.

After services, the lobby of the church was lined with ministry booths and representatives from our local mission partners Care Net and H3lpline. These partners work to uphold the sanctity of life in our community each and every day as they provide support to vulnerable mothers and babies. Through the generous giving and serving of Champion Forest, these groups are able to meet the needs of many women, men, and families so that they can choose life!

In all things, Champion Forest values people. We strive to be a place of care and community to everyone, no matter their gender, race, age, or abilities. We honor the image of God and do all that is in our power to celebrate life! 

If you have experienced the pain of an abortion, H3lpline is a 24/7 national call or text line that will offer help, hope, and healing. Please contact them at 1-866-721-7881.

If you are facing an uncertain pregnancy, please call or text Care Net at (281) 444-8554 for help. 

If you have questions about serving in missions, please email for more information.