A poem written by Stephanie Chase

You stamp your feet and tell me, “No!”
You’re never ready when it’s time to go.
You scream at me when you don’t get your way,
And you want to leave when we have to stay.

You’re always loud when it’s time to be quiet;
When I tell you to stay, you run out of sight.
You tell me “No!” and never want to nap,
Whenever I’m busy, you want to sit in my lap.

You throw your food on the floor when we’re out to eat,
And you’re constantly putting your shoes on the wrong feet.
You wear your clothes backward and inside out,
When it’s time to turn them around, you’ll stomp and pout.

You throw your toys all over the place,
And you spill your drink at least once a day.
Whenever I’m talking on the phone,
You find it impossible to leave me alone.

You embarrass me in public by the things you say and do,
No matter where we are, you think you need something new.
You don’t want to eat anything, especially if it’s green,
And sometimes to your little friends, you can be so mean.

But when I think about all the little things you say and do,
I just laugh and smile because that’s what makes you, you.
That quirky, little, silly, two-year-old child who is just trying to be,
The precious little gift that God has given to me.

Even though some days, you bring me tons of strife,
I will always love you with every breath of my life.