April 17, 2020

In Luke 24:50-53 we read about the ascension of Jesus. Jesus leads his disciples out to Bethany and there he blesses them. Then he “was carried up to heaven (v51).” We see his followers respond in joyful worship! The Gospel of Luke ends exactly where it began: with God’s people worshipping in the temple.

Luke 24:50-53

The Ascension

50 And he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. 51 While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually in the temple blessing God.

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

The ascended Lord Jesus is still at work and reigns as King! He is actively engaged in this world and in each of our lives. How does this truth comfort you today?  

11 thoughts on “Luke 24:50-53

  1. He keeps His promises. He is patient. He is consistent. He loves me unconditionally.

    When I think of what makes me love and trust someone, He is the epitome of all these things. He is the origin of anything and everything good. He is truth. He is love.

    This gives me peace and grows in me faith, hope, and love!

  2. We know He sits at the right hand of God, The Father and intercedes for us, His joint heirs.

    We too, should worship Him daily, without stopping and be happy everywhere we go. We may be quarantined in our homes but we can dedicate our homes to God as His temple all the time and give Him continual praise and worship.

  3. In whatever circumstance I’m in, I have peace and joy knowing that Jesus, who saved me from my sin, is in His throne and in control of my life,my family, and the world. My prayer is that God will continue to remind me to stay faithful and obedient to His will.

  4. He is always the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is always faithful and I trust And rely on Him everyday.. I must worship Jesus in spirit and in truth throughout out my life. Amen

  5. God’s Word through Luke brings me comfort in KNOWING Jesus is ALIVE and ACTIVE RIGHT NOW! Past, present and future He is Present and working for ALL our good. His Holy Spirit alive in those who Believe, actively drawing closer those who seeking, and convicting the hearts of those who are ignoring, rebelling against or denying Him. Because of this I have Assurance, Joy & Peace! PRAISE HIM!!!

  6. I agree and believe in all responses made by others in this devotional. Praise be To God for his sacrifice. If it were not for this sacrifice where would be today?

  7. Love reading the Scripture and then the comments. God Bless those whose faith is alive and well during these Pandemic days.

  8. Nice to know that when we can’t be in church physically we can still hold fast that our relationship with God is unwavering and his is always with us!

  9. Although in some ways everything has changed for us, in light of Jesus, nothing has changed. I take great comfort that Jesus’ knowledge, presence and power are unchanged. The changes we have experienced, were included in God’s plan, so that his power could work in and through our lives.

  10. They were not sad when he ascended, but had “great joy”, because they knew He was still with them…just like He is with us 🙂

  11. Although He went to Heaven, He never truly left us alone on earth. He is always here in our hearts. When we truly believe that, we feel the same “great joy” that they felt in this verse.

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