Champion Readers

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May 4 - August 13
Kids (3 Years – 5th Grade) will enjoy summer reading fun with all types of reading options to choose from! Prizes awarded to those who complete their reading goals and their names will be listed on the Champion Reader Honor list displayed in the Library.
Save the Date for a Celebration Pizza Party on August 13th (5:30-6:30pm) for kids who complete specified goals.

Register now - June 15

  1. REGISTER Now – June 15th using the button above and complete the online form.
    • Note: Books for this reading program should be checked out under each child’s individual library record. If a child has not previously checked out library materials, a Library Registration Form also needs to be completed.
  2. PRINT reading log.
    • Reading logs are used to record the books read by each Champion Reader and will be an attachment in your email confirmation after you register.
  3. Checkout books and start READING.
    • Kids can begin checking out books from the Champions Campus Library from their list and start reading on May 5th
    • Books must be checked out from the CFBC Library only to be counted as read.
    • Limit for books checked out at one time are as follows:
      Ages 3 – Kinder (10), 1st-2nd Grade (10), 3rd-5th Grade (5).
    • If a parent has more than one read-to-me child and is reading the same book to them together, please notify the library volunteer at the checkout time so that the books can be added to each child’s record.
    • Returning Champion Readers must select different books from those read during prior Champion Reader programs.
  4. Fill out your Reading Log
    • Reading logs must be presented to a library volunteer by August 10th to be eligible for the Pizza Party and prizes.

Prizes and honors go to Champion Readers as they progress through their wonderful summer of reading.

After reading 10 books, READ TO ME children and kids in Grades 1-2 will be awarded a Chick-fil-A coupon, an Altitude Trampoline Park Coupon and a fun prize. After completing their 20 book goal, their name will be placed on the Champion Reader Honor List displayed in a frame in the Library, along with a Champion Reader trophy at the awards Pizza Party.

SCHOOL AGE kids in Grades 3-5 will be awarded those same prizes after reading 5 books, and their name will also appear in the Champion Reader Honor Roll List after completing their 10 book goal, along with a Champion Reader trophy at the awards Pizza Party.


Kids who complete their reading goals will enjoy a celebration Pizza Party Wednesday, August 13 from 5:30-6:30pm.
Reading logs must be presented to a library volunteer by August 10th to be eligible for the Pizza Party and prizes.


Feel free to call the Library during open hours at 281-885-6725, or email if you have any questions about this program.